American Medical Association

The AMA, as with many well-established organizations, had a large website that tried to be all things to all people. It contained hundreds of pages and thousands of documents, many of which were hard to find or beyond current usefulness.

Intent of the Redesign

The digital communications team wanted to  achieve several things in a redesign:

  1.  Segment the audience—recognizing that physicians approach the site from several career stages and practice settings.
  2. Make it responsive—knowing that physicians young and old are now using many devices to access needed information.
  3. Improve search—each digital asset would be tagged with multiple levels of metadata to ensure users could easily find what they need.

Makeup of the Team

Mattson worked as a Web Content Specialist with a team of 12 website contractors, including writers, editors, web operation experts, information architects, project managers, UI/UX designers, search engine optimizers, and back-end CMS designers—all using an agile development model.

Old Site

American Medical Association Old Website

New Site

American Medical Association New Website